domingo, 21 de dezembro de 2008

'I don't know what it may signify
That I am so sad;
There's a tale from ancient times
That I can't get out of my mind.
The air is cool and the twilight is falling

and the Rhine is flowing quietly by;
the top of the mountain is glittering
in the evening sun.
The loveliest maiden is sitting

Up there, wondrous to tell.
Her golden jewelry sparkles
as she combs her golden hair
She combs it with a golden comb

and sings a song as she does,
A song with a peculiar,
powerful melody.
It seizes upon the boatman in his small boat

With unrestrained woe;
He does not look below to the rocky shoals,
He only looks up at the heights.
If I'm not mistaken, the waters

Finally swallowed up fisher and boat;
And with her singing
The Lorelei did this.'

Die Lorelei (translated)
Heinrich Heine
foto:lilya corneli

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